Invisalign consists of a series of clear aligners that moves your teeth to a perfect position with no need to have wires and braces in your mouth. Aligners are designed and fabricated using computer. Computer analyses the path of movement and let us view the end result before the treatment even starts.

The course of treatment involves changing aligners approximately every two weeks, moving your teeth into straighter position step by step.

An average Invisalign course of treatment can range from 5 to 16 months. You’ll visit our office every 2 to 8 weeks for adjustments and to check progress. At regular intervals, you’ll receive a new set of custom-molded clear aligners to continue the straightening process. The total number of clear aligners is specific to you, depending on the course of treatment and how much movement is needed based on each case.

Invisalign is offered for kids, teenagers and adults. Most of professional adults do not feel comfortable to have braces in their mouth for a long period of time. Invisalign is almost invisible, therefore most of your friends and co-workers do not even notice you are wearing them. They are comfortable to wear and can be removed easily when you eat, brush, and floss. This means you have the freedom to eat and drink any food you want and follow oral hygiene in the best way. This also reduce the chance of getting cavity as you can clean your teeth without having any wire on your way.

Both braces and Invisalign can be used to treat;

Crowded Teeth

This occurs when there is simply a lack of room within your jaw for all of your teeth to fit normally. When left untreated, overly crowded teeth can cause dental cavities, an increase in chances of gum disease, and can prevent the normal function of teeth. Read More

Crowded Teeth

Spaced Teeth

It happens with abnormal continued growth of the jaw bone. When teeth are missing, this issue can also be caused by the other teeth shifting due to extra space. Spacing issues in teeth can cause some gum diseases and food impaction. Read More

Spaced Teeth

Cross Bite

Upper teeth should normally cover lower teeth. If ant teeth do not follow this, the condition called cross bite. This may be a result of the upper and lower jaws both being misaligned. It causes one or more upper teeth to bite on the inside of the lower teeth, and can happen on both the front and/or the sides of the mouth. This issue can cause wear of the teeth, gum disease, broken teeth, and bone loss.

Cross Bite

Over Bite

It occurs when the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth. It’s typically caused by either genetics, bad oral habits, or over development of the bone that supports the teeth. This issue can lead to gum problems or irritation, and/or wear on the lower teeth and can cause painful jaw and joint problems. Read More

Over Bite

Open Bite

Top front teeth should cover about one third of the length of lower front teeth. When they cover less, the condition is called under bite and if they do not cover at at all, it is called open bite. People with open bite do not have full ability to use their front teeth to bite on foods using front teeth. It also cause mouth breathing and dry mouth as they have tendency to breath through mouth. It also show dark area inside mouth. Improving the open bite with Invisalign not only improve the look but also create a better function. Read More

Open bite